One of the recent trends in the security arena is the idea that simple username/password logins just aren't secure enough. Sure, they're better than nothing, but there's just too many problems with them. Here's a few:
To help combat some of these issues, there's been a number of different approaches that have been implemented to help protect user logins and the services they're for. Tools like Persona or OAuth aim to decentralize the authentication for your application. Unfortunately, they can be difficult to implement into a currently existing login system.
There's another alternative that can act as an add-on to your current system and can provide a "quick and easy" win to help protect your users - two-factor authentication.
The key concept behind most of the two-factor authentication systems you'll see these days is pretty simple. The user has the normal username and password combination, but another form of proof of the identity is also required. One of the most popular methods (and one that several services, even Google use) is a combination of a web site and a cell phone-based application or text message.
Here's an example of the flow of a process that uses two-factor this case it's Google's method:
Google has their own internal mechanisms to handle this whole flow, but what happens if you don't want the overhead of having to worry about all of the technology or steps that happen behind the scenes. Is there an alternative?
The Authy service has one goal - to take the trouble of having to handle the whole "send the codes to the user and verify them" process out of your hands and into their secure, managed environment. They take care of managing the accounts (linked to yours via an "Authy ID") and doing the sending/verification of the codes. They even provide a smart phone application for iPhone, Android and Blackberry your users can grab keys from anytime they want, online or offline.
To make things even easier, they folks over at Authy have provided a PHP library to help with the integration with their REST API. Here's how to install it via Composer:
"require": {
"authy/php": "dev-master",
"resty/resty": "dev-master"
NOTE: despite it having its own
directory withResty
in it, you'll still need to have it in thecomposer.json
for now. Otherwise it doesn't find it correctly for the autoloading.Resty
is a basic REST client from the FictiveKin folks. I have a pull request in to fix the "required" field in theircomposer.json
but it's not merged yet.
So, now that it's installed, lets see how to use it. First, though, you'll need to go sign up and create your application. Basically you just give it a name and it will take you to a page with several pieces of important information for both a production and testing instance:
If you're just wanting to test it out, you can just use the "Sandbox" version - it's a free version (perfect for developers trying things out) and lets you have up to one thousand users with five hundred authentications per month total. You'll have to set up your own device to identify yourself as a part of the signup process. If you're interested in other plans, check out their pricing page for more information.
Okay, back to the code - with their PHP library installed and working on your system:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$prod = false;
$apiKey = 'your-key-hash';
$apiUrl = ($prod == true) : '' : '';
$api = new Authy_Api($apiKey, $apiUrl);
The code above sets up your API connection. By default it will connect to the production
instance of your application, so be sure $prod
is set to false
as it is above if
you want to test against your Testing API.
Now, let's see how to create a user in your system. The Authy API really only needs a bit of information about your users to get them set up and doesn't care much about your authentication process. Remember, the goal here is to be a drop-in solution that enhances what you already have. So, lets create a "sample-user":
$userEmail = '';
$userPhone = '214-555-1234';
$userCountryCode = 1;
$user = $api->registerUser($userEmail, $userPhone, $userCountryCode);
if ($user->ok()) {
echo 'Authy ID for user "'.$userEmail.'": '.$user->id()."\n";
} else {
foreach ($user->errors() as $field => $error){
echo 'Error on '.$field.': '.$error;
The Authy system uses the phone number as the unique identification item for the record, so you can have multiple email addresses associated with one device. When you register a new user, they're sent an activation SMS message with information about how to download the Authy application.
When they load it up, they'll be asked to identify themselves then they can start getting their codes immediately. They'll be given a screen similar to this:
There's a countdown below the number that shows how much longer it's good for. Of course, the user can always choose to recycle it before the time's up, but the default is 20 seconds.
Remember that "Authy ID" I mentioned before? Well, when the user is created successfully,
you'll get an ID set on the user object. This can be fetched via the $user->id()
call. Don't worry, if you happen to miss it the first time, you can try to recreate the
same user and their API will give you back the same Authy ID number each time (based on
the device, remember).
You can then store this ID in your database related to the user for later use in the API verification process.
Now for the fun part - when a user logs into your system and you see they've enabled
the two-factor authentication, you can present them with a text field to accept the latest
code from their Authy application. Once they've submitted, you can bounce a request off
the API with the information with both the $token
and the user's $authyId
$token = 'token-input-from-user';
$authyId = 12345;
// verify the token
$verify = $api->verifyToken($userAuthyId,$token);
if ($verify->ok() === true) {
echo 'Verified!';
} else {
foreach ($verify->errors() as $field => $error){
echo 'Error on '.$field.': '.$error;
If everything goes well and the code the user gave can be authenticated for their account,
you'll get back a true
for the $verify->ok()
call. If not, you can grab the errors
on the $verify->errors()
and loop through them. They'll look something like:
"message": "token is invalid",
"token": "is invalid"
When I first started using their API, I was hitting the testing version of my application and wondering why my codes were being denied over and over again, even if I manually regenerated them. If eventually found the problem related to this:
If token is “0000000” a HTTP 200 will always be served when /verify/{TOKEN} API is called, regardless of the id.
The testing API is good for being sure you're sending the right information over, but
it doesn't seem like you can verify actual codes against it. If you need that, you can
easily just set the $prod
variable to true
in the first code example and switch to
the production API.
That's it, really - that's all there is to integrating with the Authy API. Less than thirty lines of code later, you can have an easy to use, drop-in two-factor authentication system you can then offer to your users for their added security.
With over 12 years of experience in development and a focus on application security Chris is on a quest to bring his knowledge to the masses, making application security accessible to everyone. He also is an avodcate for security in the PHP community and provides application security training and consulting services.